Enfield Advisory Service for Autism

Enfield Advisory Service for Autism

Life at Enfield Advisory Service for Autism Life at Enfield Advisory Service for Autism Life at Enfield Advisory Service for Autism Life at Enfield Advisory Service for Autism Life at Enfield Advisory Service for Autism Life at Enfield Advisory Service for Autism Life at Enfield Advisory Service for Autism Life at Enfield Advisory Service for Autism

Recommended Websites

Ambitious about Autism 

Ambitious About Autism is a national charity for children and young people with autism.  They provide services, raise awareness and understanding and compaign for change.

Tel: 020 8815 5444 email: info@ambitiousaboutautism.org.uk


ASD Visual Aids 


APPs for Autism


Autism Education Trust

The Autism Education Trust is dedicated to coordinating, supporting and promoting effective education practice for all children and young people on the autism spectrum.

Tel: 0207 903 3650 Email: info@autismeducationtrust.org.uk  



CareTrade Charitable Trust is an organisation that caters to young people on the autism spectrum who would like work but need more confidence, support, skills and experience. They also have their own employment programme, The Autism Project. The Autism Project (TAP) is a full-time, two-year, employability program for young people on the autistic spectrum, aged 18-25.

Tel: 0203 375 6288 Email info@caretradeuk.org or TAP@caretradeuk.org


Carol Gray Social Stories

Carol Gray, Consultant to Children, Adolescents, and Adults with Autism, provides support via workshops and presentations, information, referral, resources, and direct services to individuals with autism, their families, and professionals who work on their behalf. She is an internationally sought-after keynote and seminar speaker, and has completed over one thousand presentations. Carol is best known for the development of Social Stories, a respected evidence-based practice used worldwide with people with autism of all ages. 



Cerebra is a unique national charity that strives to improve the lives of children with neurological conditions.  Provides research, information and direct, on-going support.

Tel: 01267 244 200 Email: enquiries@cerebra.org.uk


Contact a Family (CAF)

Provides advice, information and support to the parents of all disabled children.  It enables parents to get in contact with other families including on-line discussions on topics of interest to parents.

National freephone helpline - 0808 808 3555 email: info@cafamily.org.uk



Dazu is a registered charity which provides a range of recreational, educational and holiday activities for children and young people of all ages and abilities.


Dental Care & Autism/The National Autistic Society 



Do2 Learn


EHCP advice/guidance for parents


Enfield Carers Centre

Enfield Carers Centre is a local charity providing information, advice, training and other support services to people looking after someone who lives in Enfield.

Tel: 020 8366 3677 email: info@enfieldcarers.org 


Enfield Carers Centre, Britannia House, 137-143 Baker Street, Enfield EN1 3JL

Enfield Council’s Local Offer for Special Needs and Disability:

The Local Offer is information about services and support for families in Enfield with children/young people aged 0 – 25 years with special educational needs and/or a disability.  
Click here to find out about early years help, schools and out of school activities, youth services and training and college opportunities for young people and lots more!

Enfield Branch of the National Autistic Society (ENAS) 

The National Autistic Society is the UK's leading charity for people affected by autism, with 50 years' experience of developing and providing innovative and pioneering support and services.  The Enfield Branch was set up by parents in 2005 to support and represent local autistic people, their families and carers and ensure that local people on the spectrum and their families do not feel alone as they cope with the challenges of living with autism.  From good times to challenging times, The National Autistic Society is there at every stage, to help transform the lives of everyone touched by autism.

Click here to find out more about who we are and what we do

Click here to find out more about ENAS  

Click here to visit the ENAS website 

Every Parent & Child (EPC)/Enfield SENDIASS

EPC is a registered charity working for the benefit of children and their families in the London Borough of Enfield. Please click here to visit the (EPC) website.  

Telephone: 0208 373 6243  Email: enquiries@epandc.org.uk

Address: Enfield SEND IASS
Community House
311 Fore Street
London N9 0PZ 

Enfield Disability Action

EDA provides a number of services and is working towards becoming a one stop shop for disabled people living and working in Enfield.  Its services include the Enfield Legal Partnership Project (ELPP) which provide information on welfare benefits, employment, community care and housing.


Enfield Disability Action
Community House
311 Fore Street
N9 0PZ

Tel: 020 8373 6238
Email: eda@e-d-a.org.uk
Fax: 020 8373 6223

Calls are answered between 10am and 4pm Monday to Thursday.

Please note: To access the Deaf Project ONLY you can call directly on 020 8373 6237, SMS on 07919 247 843 or email deaf@e-d-a.org.uk.

Healthwatch Enfield

At Healthwatch Enfield, it is their job to amplify your voice on the key issues that affect you when you use health and care services in the borough.  Emerging from the Health and Social Care Act 2012, local Healthwatches were set up in every local authority area, to help put patients and the public at the heart of service delivery and improvement across the NHS and social care services. In total, there are currently 152 local Healthwatches across England, facilitated and led by Healthwatch England.


Click the link below to view the latest Healthwatch Enfield E-Newsletter and previous issues.


Inclusion Development Programme: Supporting pupils on the autism spectrum.

Online autism training resources for staff working with children and young people with autism in primary and secondary schools are available here:


Online autism training resources for practitioners working with children in the early years can be accessed by clicking here



Music Therapy Tree

A team of music therapists led by Camilla Farrant who founded the organisation in 2013 in Enfield, North London. They have since expanded their services to other areas of North London and offer inclusive choirs and CPD trainings to music teachers and parents. They also provide North London-based student placements to training music therapists. Their team of Music Therapists all have a Masters Degree in Music Therapy, are Health & Care Professions Council registered and DBS checked. Their vision is to help the people who struggle most to come closer to achieving their potential through involvement in the arts. 


Nordoff Robbins

Nordoff Robbins is a national music therapy charity.  They use music therapy and other music services to help a a range of people with various conditions including autism. 


Our Voice:

A parent led organisation working with parents and carers, as well at the statutory and voluntary sectors, to improve services for children and young people with disabilities or special educational needs in the borough of Enfield.  Please visit their website for more information https://www.ourvoiceenfield.org.uk/contact_us

E-mail: info@ourvoiceenfield.org.uk 

Picture Exchange Communication System


Preparing for Adulthood


Puberty Section

The National Autistic society provides information pages on puberty and sex education: http://www.autism.org.uk/about/communication/sex-education.aspx

Videos exploring puberty, sex, contraception, masturbation and sexual hygiene: http://www.autismeducationtrust.org.uk/the-den

For scientific and factual information : http://www.bbc.co.uk/science/humanbody/body/interactives/lifecycle/teenagers/

Recommended book: Taking Care of Myself: A Hygiene, Puberty and Personal Curriculum for Young People with Autism by Mary Wrobel

Resources for autism

Resources for Autism provide practical services for children and adults with an autistic spectrum condition and for their families. 





SEN-den is a newly created, non-profit-making community business which started in July 2019. They provide support for families whose children have autism and support for families whose children are waiting for a diagnosis of autism.


Summer Holidays : Resources for families and carers


The Abilities Project (TAP) Skills Hub

A skills hub for individuals with developmental & physical disabilities, designed specifically to cater for adults with learning disabilities including complex behaviour, autism and epilepsy. 

Click here to view their brochure.

Click here to view their leaflet.

The Abilities Project (TAP) Skills Hub
Suite 29 The Wenta Business Centre
Electric Avenue
Tel: 01992 842 092
Email: skillshub@theabilitiesproject.co.uk

 The Advisory Centre for Education (ACE)

An independent national advice centre for parents.  Provides advice to parents on education law and practice as well as materials.  Documents can be downloaded from the website.  


The Autism Education Trust website home page:


The Joint Service for Disabled Children (Enfield Council):

This service offers a range of services to children and young people with disabilities and their parents.  To find out more click here.

The Joint Service also provides information on how to access short breaks. Shorts breaks provide children and young people with disabilities an opportunity to spend time away from their parents, relaxing with friends and having fun.  They also provide parents with a break for caring for their child during which they can unwind, rest or spend time with their other children. For a direct link to information about short breaks please click here.

For information about activities and things to do click here.

The National Autistic Society:


The Autism Education Trust website home page:


The Autism Education Trust Early Years Autism Standards and Early Years Autism Competency Framework:


The Autism Education Trust Autism Standards and Autism Competency Framework for primary and secondary schools:


The Autism Education Trust Post 16 Autism Standards and post 16 Autism Competency Framework:


The Inclusion Project

The Inclusion Project is a company that gets young adults (18+) with learning disabilities into the community. We promote an active, healthy and social lifestyle.


The Independent Panel for Special Educational Advice (IPSEA)

Provides free legal advice through help lines, information downloads, advice, support and representation (when needed) in appeals to the Special Educational Needs and Disability Tribunal.





Velora Autism Corner

An autism registered charity organisation offering a range of services for children/young adults aged 11-25 with a diagnosis of autism. Click here for more information or visit their website below.

The services they offer include:

  • Reading Recovery programme

  • Holiday Teen Scheme

  • Weekly Youth Club

  • Youth Minding/Respite

  • Independence training program

  • Home Help program
